Part-Time job Survey Analysis
Part-Time job Survey Analysis
My research topic:Part-Time job
Target:Japanese University Students
Number of respondents:(9)
Students answered 9 questions about part-time job.
Graph#1 shows that everyone have a part-time job. I was surprised at this result because I thought that some of them did not have part-time jobs.It means part-time job is essential part of university student's life.
Graph#2 shows that restaurant and service industry is popular. I have part-time job in a restaurant too, so I'm convinced that it's popular. Also, it was interesting for me to see some people doing unusual part-time jobs, such as golf caddies and bridal workers in other answers.
Graph#3 shows that everyone use part-time job sites and apps to find the part-time job. I was surprised to see the same result for all of them, but I think it is because there are a lot of convenient part-time job search sites and apps such as "Baitoru" and "Town Work" on the internet.
Graph#4 shows that the average number of hours people work per day. This varied from person to person, with people applying any time from 3 to 8 hours, but 4 to 6 hours was the most common. I also work an average of 5 hours, so this result was not surprising to me.
Graph#5 shows that the average number of days worked per week. The results of the responses showed that people worked 2-4 days a week, with 3 days being the most common with 5 responses. I also work an average of three days a week, so this result was not surprising to me.
Graph#6 shows that not only the hourly wage that people are receiving, but also their level of satisfaction with that hourly wage. There were a variety of answers, but many people said they were earning 1,100 yen per hour, and most were satisfied with that amount. The graph also shows that the lower the hourly wage, the more dissatisfied people are, and the higher the hourly wage, the more satisfied people are.
Graph#7 shows that when they started working part-time. The majority of the respondents had been working for almost a year continuously, and many of them continued without quitting their jobs. I think this is a very good thing.
Graph#8 shows that what is most important to you when looking for a part-time job. Many responded with wages and location, while others emphasized freedom and fun, such as hair color. I find that wage and location are very important factors in the part-time job search.
Graph#9 shows that the opinions of participants on whether their current job is easy to work in. The percentage of people who find it easy to work in and those who find it difficult to work in were equal. In addition, it was found that the main reason why people feel it is an easy place to work is good interpersonal relationships at work, while the main reasons why people feel it is difficult to work there are busyness and the need for language skills to deal with foreign customers. I think this result is very interesting as there are a number of reasons for this.
This survey has many interesting results. These results provide a detailed picture of the current part-time work situation for Japanese university students, and are likely to provide useful information for future university students looking for part-time work and reviewing the part-time work environment.
Let's all have a good part-time job life !!
person who doing golf caddie!! It was interesting foe me!!
返信削除Part time jobs are important to get money. It 's so hard but Everyone is great.
返信削除I'm surprise that all students has a part time job!