Part-Time job Survey Analysis

Part-Time job Survey Analysis My research topic:Part-Time job Target:Japanese University Students Number of respondents:(9) (Summary) Students answered 9 questions about part-time job. (Results) Graph#1 shows that everyone have a part-time job. I was surprised at this result because I thought that some of them did not have part-time jobs.It means part-time job is essential part of university student's life. #1 Graph#2 shows that restaurant and service industry is popular. I have part-time job in a restaurant too, so I'm convinced that it's popular. Also, it was interesting for me to see some people doing unusual part-time jobs, such as golf caddies and bridal workers in other answers. #2 Graph#3 shows that everyone use part-time job sites and apps to find the part-time job. I was surprised to see the same result for all of them, but I think it is because there are a lot of convenient part-time job search sites and apps such as "Baitoru" and "Town Work...